"The way we came to know love was that he laid down his life for us; so we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If someone who has worldly means sees a brother in need and refuses him compassion, how can the love of God remain in him?" (1 John 3:16-17)
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic bishops, working to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ, "to bring good news to the poor ... release to captives ... sight to the blind… and let the oppressed go free." (Luke 4:18)
Founded in 1969, CCHD's pastoral strategy is empowerment of the poor through a methodology of participation and education for justice, leading toward solidarity between poor and non-poor as impelled by the Church's biblical tradition, modern Catholic social teaching, and the pervasive presence of poverty in the United States. This ministry for justice is rooted in our baptism and faith commitment.
In the Diocese of Raleigh, there are several organizations that are supported by the annual Catholic Campaign for Human Development collection in U.S. Catholic parishes. Raleigh Area Land Trust (RALT), an organization that works to expand affordable homeownership opportunities for families with low to moderate incomes so that they are able to live or remain in the communities of their choice, is one of those groups.
Watch the video below or learn more about CCHD grants here.