Father Burbeck highlights transformative power of Catholic radio at WCR 20th anniversary dinner

On Friday, September 20, the Father Michael Burbeck, vicar general of the Diocese of Raleigh, was the guest speaker at Wilmington Catholic Radio's 20th anniversary dinner. Father Burbeck spoke about the impact that Catholic radio can have on listeners, specifically in the privacy of their cars, and how lives can be changed through Catholic radio ministry. He quoted Pope St. John Paul and other popes who had spoken about the transformative effect that great Catholic media outlets like Vatican Radio can have on each and every listener.

The anniversary dinner was held at the Catholic-owned restaurant Junction 421. Board members of Wilmington Catholic Radio, its three affiliate stations and volunteers were treated to a lovely dinner, culminating in the highlight of the evening, Father Burbeck’s talk. Welcoming remarks were given by board members Bill Hamilton, Greg Decker and Judi Paparozzi, and WJSI affiliate board member Dr. Paul Covington.

Wilmington Catholic Radio (WCR) was the first Catholic radio station established in North Carolina. Ignited in his faith by the apparitions of Our Lady, Bill Hamilton applied for a permit to build a low-power FM station, and along with co-founders Jim Edens and Joe DeRobertis, they launched Wilmington Catholic Radio in July 2004. In 2007, the station added its long running local show, Carolina Catholic, produced and hosted by Judi Paparozzi. This show just celebrated its 17th anniversary on the air with over 300 shows featuring, among other great guests, Bishop Luis Zarama, Bishop Michael Burbidge and Father Burbeck. 

In 2015, in order to expand its listening area, the board of directors decided to become a network provider of Catholic programming for affiliate stations. It accomplished this first by spinning off WBPL-LP as an affiliate station and then by helping in the establishment of two additional affiliate stations. 

That year, Bishop Burbidge graciously attended the ribbon cutting in Wilmington and gave his blessing for the launch of the new affiliate stations.

The three affiliates are WBPL-LP (93.1 FM), WJSS-LP (103.1 FM) and WJSI (91.7 FM), broadcasting authentic Catholic talk radio to the widespread Wilmington area.
