In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2023, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and president of USCCB issued a statement reflecting on the legacy of Dr. King. His statement reads, in part:
“Beyond remembering and quoting Dr. King today, we must act to address racial disparities in the criminal justice system, access to affordable housing and healthcare, and economic opportunities. The USCCB continues to support policy changes in these areas of society.
“Remembering that Dr. King was guided first by his faith also challenges us to personal conversion… For models of lives transformed, we can always turn to the saints. To this end, the USCCB has advanced beatification and canonization causes of six inspirational African American men and women: Venerable Pierre Toussaint, Servant of God Mother Mary Lange, Venerable Henriette Delille, Venerable Augustus Tolton, Servant of God Julia Greeley, and Sister Thea Bowman.
“May their holy examples convert our hearts and our society, that we may achieve Dr. King’s dream of building a society where every person is recognized as a beloved son or daughter of God and treated with the justice and dignity that they deserve.”
The complete statement is here.