Welcome home! This is what a group of 28 young Catholics from St. Catherine of Siena, Tarboro, heard the moment they stepped onto the grounds of Life Teen Camp Covecrest. Our Life Teen youth ministry travelled to Tiger, Georgia, for a week-long youth camp this summer. About 300 youths were present from parishes in Florida, Louisiana, Georgia and North Carolina.
Participants were introduced to this year’s camp theme SANCTUARY. The camp experience embodied the refuge that teens find in Christ, transcending from the sacred altars of our parishes into the secular aspects of their daily lives. At camp, they were offered many moments of finding their own inner sanctuaries and transforming the ordinary into sacred space.
Campers hiked and completed ropes to work as a team while learning from one another. There was a day that teens participated in messy games in water, paint, slime, and mud. First-time teens experienced white water rafting in the rivers of South Carolina and Georgia. Each day they attended sessions to learn and be inspired.
The teens got a complete and balanced dose of fun and faith. They had a profound experience of God the moment they arrive, and through daily Mass, worship, Bible study and other spiritually engaging moments, the sacraments and the Catholic faith take fire like never before. One of our teens commented, "In adoration, I was talking to God. When Jesus was walking around the room, he passed by in front of me, and I've never felt very close to God."
The friendships forged through course challenges, small group time and prayer experiences offer a unique and unforgettable community that will last for years to come. They arrived at camp as a group, but they left as family. Teens were reminded that being part of a family means you never walk alone.
It has been beautiful to witness the Lord moving in each of our teens' hearts at camp. Indeed, it was an epic and beautiful week, truly #BestCampEver! We pray for them that they continue to grow in faith, hope and love of God!