Leader Resources - Bereavement

Leader Training

Accompanying Those Who Mourn is a free, self-paced course for leaders interested in beginning or improving a parish bereavement ministry. It’s also helpful to anyone interested in examining grief and how to companion someone in her/his sorrow.

Grief Pamphlets Series - Customizable for your Parish

Novena for the Deceased

Praying the rosary for nine days for the eternal rest of the deceased is a common practice in many cultures. A powerful way to remember the deceased and to accompany the closest family members, the novena typically begins the day after the death. The novena is led by a close friend or a family member often in the home of the bereaved. After the rosary, people stay to share a meal and tell stories about the deceased. This practice over nine days provides comfort to the family and is a communal expression of love and care.

How to pray a novena for the deceased (PDF)

Como rezar un novenario para un difunto (PDF)