Catholic Resources
- Reclaim - anonymous, science-based, Catholic Online Recovery Program, and provides resources for those who desire to reclaim God’s plan for their lives, and the lives of loved ones impacted by pornography or other unhealthy sexual behaviors
- Navigate Betrayal - Are you hurting because of your partner's infidelity, pornography use, or other sexual sins? Navigate Betrayal is an online resource for women made by women who understand the pain of infidelity.
- Clean Heart - equips men, women, parents, and Catholic leaders to become educated on the harmfulness of pornography, find freedom from pornography, or help others in the pursuit of purity and chastity
- The King’s Men – men’s groups which build up men and challenge them to be the men that God created them to be; offerings include retreats, men’s groups, battles, seminars and talks
- Theology of the Body
- Catholic Therapist
- Integrity Restored – Catholic book detailing the stories of real people men, women, clergy, seminarians, and teens who've suffered from addictions to pornography and went on to find healing
- Bought With A Price – online resource of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington with free e-book
- Blessed Are The Pure of Heart – YouTube commentaries on how to protect and equip yourself and your loved ones against the dangers of pornography. Complete series on DVD and CD including discussion booklet for group study available on
Christian-based Resource
- Setting Captives Free - resource for local churches offering hope and help to those struggling with areas of habitual sin; offer free, interactive courses for media addiction, sexual purity, depression, weight loss, and help for spouses of those in bondage to impurity
Additional Resources
- Fight The New Drug - non-religious and non-legislative nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography
- Sex Addicts Anonymous Recovery* - 12 step with the program primary purpose of stopping addictive sexual behavior and to help others recover from sexual addiction
The information on the Pastoral Care web pages is designed to serve as a referral resource for pastors and ministry leaders in Eastern NC. The diocesan Pastoral Care web pages represent Catholic, Christian and, on occasion, secular organizations that provide support services and resources for individuals and families. Please note that the diocese does not oversee and is not responsible for the activity of these services and organizations. Resources with *(asterisk) can accommodate Spanish language; advance notice requested.